Oil for pain relief
Quick and Effective Treatment for Knee Pain | Ortho Sudha
Knee arthritis, knee swelling, left knee pain, right knee pain, pain around the knee cap, stiffness and pain in knee joints — these are all very common problems. This pain can occur for a variety of reasons, including: osteoarthritis or arthritis of the knee, meniscus tear, runners knee, bursitis knee, ligament injury in the knee, and other knee injuries. Knee pain, especially when it is related to knee arthritis, can be quite annoying. Knee pain exercises are the best home remedy for knee pain.
Researchers have identified that knee exercises provide relief from knee pain. It is important to know which knee exercises will help you and which exercises can be harmful. How much exercise you should do is also important. The time and strength of your exercise will vary depending on your diagnosis status, treatment of your knee injury, and other personal health factors. Here, you might need the expert training of your physiotherapist for the diagnosis of knee injury and the proper therapy of knee exercises to help you quickly get pain-free knees.
While we would like to say that all knee exercises are beneficial for you, there is a significant individual difference between all patients presenting with knee pain. For example, an older diabetic overweight patient would require a very different knee exercise than a young high-performing athlete or a patient doing knee exercises.
If you have knee pain, here are some tips you can follow:
● Do not stay in bed. Being motionless will weaken your muscles, which in turn will not be able to provide the necessary support to your knee joint when it needs it the most.
● Do exercise. Cardio exercises along with weight training and stretching help strengthen the muscles which support your knee and increase flexibility.
● Reduce the risk of falling. If you are an elderly person, reduce the risk of falling by using a handrail or a ladder to ensure that your home is well lit. Keep the floor dry to prevent injury to your knee.
● Control your weight. Keeping the weight under control reduces the stress on your knees. So keep a check on your diet. Knee pain reduces movement anyway.
● Use a walking aid. The use of a stick or crutches can take away the stress from your painful knee. Knee braces also provide good support until you fully recover.
● Do not rush too much, do not do too much. As your knee recovers, take it easy and slow while you add new activity. If you take an aerobic program, do not start directly with high-impact exercise as it can cause injury to the knee joint. Instead, you can start with a simple walking activity, slowly doing light jogging or running.
● Do not ignore your pain. If you experience knee pain that does not subside even after taking home remedies, you should consult a qualified physician such as a physiotherapist. One who understands the knee joint and its movement, which will help you recover.
● Massage your knees with Ortho Sudha. Ortho Sudha is the best joint pain relief oil for every kind of joint and muscular pain. It has been carefully prepared using the finest natural extracts. Ortho Sudha has been specially formulated for arthritis affected joints to provide maximum relief from joint inflammation and pain. The natural extracts present in the oil makes it better than any other home remedies. It causes no harm to the body making it safer to use compared to allopathic medicines. Ortho Sudha Oil is 100% natural and helps get rid of back pain, neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain. It soothes inflamed and stiff joints.
For more information, please visit https://www.orthosudha.com/